Writing Guidelines and Copyright Information

Since 2002, Sleep Savvy, the magazine for sleep products professionals, has been an engaging, educational resource for mattress retailers who want to sell more and better bedding. Our readers—astute and business-focused, with a keen eye for detail and quality writing—expect comprehensive articles with concrete, “how-to” ideas and strategies that can be implemented directly into their retail enterprise. Circulation currently is more than 26,000.

Subject Matter

We publish stories that help retailers run their businesses more effectively, efficiently and profitably. Editorial focus includes understanding consumers, bedding’s supporting role in healthy living, and practical ideas that make it easier to sell more bedding and better-quality bedding, regardless of brand.

We also expect side stories, addresses and phone numbers, and other supplemental material to be included with each story. We expect thoroughly researched, original, professional-quality work. Articles should run between 800 to 1,000 words. Stories for the “Snooze News” section should be between 100 and 400 words.


  • To submit an article, first develop two or three story ideas and send a brief synopsis of each. We will respond within 2 to 4 weeks. • Submit queries in written form; include a resume and writing samples. We do not accept article queries over the telephone. • Once an article has been completed, please email it to mbest@sleepproducts.org.
  • Photography, illustrations, and artwork are welcome and, in fact, encouraged.


All materials on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior permission of Sleep Savvy’s editorial director or, in the case of third-party materials, the owner of that content. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.

However, you may download material from Sleep Savvy magazine on the web (one machine-readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal, noncommercial use only.

Links to websites other than those owned by the International Sleep Products Association are offered as a service to readers. The editorial staff of ISPA was not involved in their production and is not responsible for their content.

Obtaining and Using Sleep Savvy Content

Do I need permission to use/reprint Sleep Savvy content?

Yes, the editorial director must give permission for all use of Sleep Savvy content (text, photographs, graphics, video, etc.).

May I use/reprint portions of Sleep Savvy articles? May I edit or adapt Sleep Savvy articles?

Editing and adaptation of Sleep Savvy content is generally not permitted and must be approved by the editorial director.

Article excerpts can be used with permission from the editorial director without altering the original text’s intended meaning.