This month marks two profound anniversaries in my life — one rewarding, the other horrific

This month marks a personal milestone for which I am grateful and proud, and another that horrifically affected most, if not all, of us.
First, the happy occasion. Ten years ago this month, I was offered an editorial position with two magazines published by the International Sleep Products Association.
As then-managing editor for Sleep Savvy and sister publication BedTimes, I reported to Julie A. Palm, possibly one of the best editors with whom I have ever worked. I forever am grateful to her for the opportunity she afforded me and the example she set. She furthered my appreciation of skillful editing and magazine management.
And then there was the bedding orientation. Julie instructed me on the ins and outs of our industry. She schooled me on terms such as rayon bamboo, pressure mapping and spiff. Not only was I learning about an industry new to me, she helped me master a new language.
Sadly, this month also marks a memorable anniversary, one punctuated by tragedy and nefariousness. Twenty years ago this month, 19 young men set out on a destructive course that would change history. In about 100 minutes on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, those men hijacked and flew two jets into New York’s World Trade Center, smashed a plane into the Pentagon and crashed yet another in a Pennsylvania field some 160 miles away from the U.S. Capitol.
Like many of you, I was at work that Tuesday morning, attending a meeting. When we adjourned, I walked out of the boardroom to the sounds of people crying. The staff had gathered around a television, horrified as the South Tower collapsed. We still are scarred by the images of the buildings imploding as people are chased by — and covered in — the dusty remains of the iconic landmarks.
The bedding industry was quick to respond. As Julie described years later: “The bedding industry rallied in patriotic support, with retailers raising money and making donations of bedding and food to help victims’ families, participating in vigils and more.”
For me — and perhaps many of you — I hope the bittersweetness of September strengthens my resolve toward fortitude, gratitude and remembrance.