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Spring Air Launches New Video Training Program to Help Dealers and RSAs Sell More Product

Spring Air Launches New Video Training Program to Help Dealers and RSAs Sell More Product

WOBURN, Massachusetts – Top 20 bedding manufacturer Spring Air International has launched a new video training series to help dealers, and their retail sales associates better understand and communicate key product features and unique selling propositions. The new program was unveiled at its recent annual licensee meeting in Houston. The videos average about four minutes and feature Spring Air President Nick Bates and Director of Sales Charlie Torrez having a casual exchange about components, benefits, features, and core messages on each of the products. Video and graphic elements help engage the viewer.

The initial series of videos focus on key sub brands like Sleep Copper, Chattam & Wells and Duralast. “With the plethora of new product in the marketplace, producing engaging video to interest RSAs was critical. But we also wanted to offer a series that was not over the top, but rather relatable for the RSA so it could really be beneficial for them,” said Bates. “The series is also helpful for our dealers because it helps them more quickly and effectively train new RSAs on our brand. With the turnover many of our dealers face, this is a much more efficient way to train new members of their team.”

“The response from our licensees and the early adopter retailers we have shared this with has been amazing. They are embracing this new series and looking to us to increase our investment in video training for the future, which we are planning,” said Torrez. “But most importantly, the video series does not substitute for the in-person, live training we continue to provide our dealers on a regular basis. Video is an enhancement, not a substitute for that.”


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