Showing your employees affection on Valentine’s Day? Um, maybe not.
But showing your employees appreciation on Valentine’s Day? Sure, why not?

Bonusly, an employee recognition consulting firm, says in a 2019 blog post that celebrating Valentine’s Day at the office can boost employee morale, motivate workers, increase positivity, show employees they’re cared for, and generally brighten the mood in the workplace. What’s not to love?
Here, courtesy of Bonusly, are a few suggestions for observing Valentine’s Day at your workplace this year:
- Provide breakfast for everyone. Hand out goody bags with candy, gift cards and handwritten notes of appreciation.
- Decorate the office for the occasion.
- Give mason jars filled with chocolates.
- Invite workers to start their workday an hour or two later than normal.
- Play Valentine’s bingo with prizes.
- Fill a large jar with chocolates and have everyone guess how many are in the jar. The employee who guesses closest wins the jar and everything in it.
- Provide 15-minute massages by a professional massage therapist.