How to Write a Great About Us Page For Your Website


Who Are You? Who, Who?

Here’s how to craft an About Us page that conveys your store’s personality  and connects with consumers

ostrich heads stock artIf done right, your About Us webpage should be much more than a store biography. It should give consumers a reason to buy from you.

A well-written About Us page is the ideal place for you to introduce your retail operation to visitors and convey your company’s personality. It also can distinguish you from your competitors, build consumers’ trust, answer shoppers’ key questions and turn browsers into buyers.

When you’re creating or reworking your About Us page, keep in mind that it should tell an engaging story.

“Give consumers the information about your company in a compelling, yet honest way. Make them laugh — or cry. Let your customers know where you’ve been, where you are and how you got there,” writes Neil Patel, a marketer, author and entrepreneur on his blog. And, Patel adds, “Don’t forget to explain to consumers how your (retail) company solves their problems.”

As part of that storytelling, you need to find your store’s voice — and then echo that voice throughout your website and other marketing materials. It’s the About Us page where you set the tone.

“Finding your tone of voice really has nothing to do with what you have to say, but rather how you say it. It’s the words — 50 cent words or $5 words, your choice — and how you construct your sentences,” Patel says. “…The copy for your About Us page should be clear, consistent, distinct and, of course, relevant to the people you want to convert into paying customers.”

You can convey your company’s personality through images and design, as well. For inspiration, we recommend checking out 50 visually interesting About Us pages compiled by Canva, a graphic design and publishing website. Peruse them here: “50 unique and engaging about us pages to inspire you”.

Here are more ideas for improving your About Us page:

  • Put yourself in pictures. Photos build an emotional connection. If your staff is small enough, include a group shot of everyone: from store owners to retail sales associates to delivery teams. Or take separate shots of each group to sprinkle throughout the page. If you are a family business, include as many generations as you can, even the littlest ones. Match the tone of the photograph to your overall store vibe.
  • Tell them more. If your retail operation has a long history, include a link that takes visitors to a separate chronology where they can delve into your past. You also can link to short bios of owners and key staff.
  • Show off. Mention awards, honors and certifications you’ve received. Using logos of these adds a visual element and makes for easy skimming.
  • Spread the word. An About Us page is a good place to include a couple of short, effusive customer testimonials that reinforce your strengths as a retailer.
  • Keep it current. Check your About Us page every few months to make sure the images and text accurately reflect your store.


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