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Chronic Insomnia? Try These Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Although the holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, it can also be a source of added stress due to traveling or...

Making History

From the earliest iterations of sleep products to now, innovation is the cornerstone of the industry. Every night, we fall asleep on mattresses, rest our...

U.S. News & World Report Releases 2023 Sleep Survey

Did you know that November is National Sleep Comfort Month? To coincide, U.S. News & World Report released its annual survey regarding the sleep...

Weekend Sleep Warriors

It takes more than two days to recover from a week of poor sleep, according to research. Sleeping Less Than Five Hours: A Risk to...

Imagining a Dramatic New Look for Mattress Stores

Immersive Van Gogh shows and Barnes & Noble transformation offer clues for change. It’s time to imagine an exciting new future for mattress stores. Our...

Have You Experienced Sleep Paralysis? The Science Behind the Spooky Phenomenon

Sleep paralysis is an unsettling occurrence of waking up but feeling as though you can’t move. According to the Sleep Foundation, 75% of those...

New Study Reveals the Apps Keeping Americans Up at Night

So, you’ve had a long day and it is time for bed. Do you go straight to sleep or reach for your phone, ready...

Taking a Beat

Even in slower moments, opportunities abound. Hello, everyone! In Beth English’s column in the July/August issue, she was kind enough to introduce me. For those...

What Country Gets the Best Night’s Sleep? 2023 Worldwide Sleep Habits

Getting a good night’s rest knows no borders — after all, all human beings require sleep — but some countries’ populations are better than...

Day in the Life

If you studied how people across the world spend their time, here’s what an average day would look like. No matter what we do with...