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Mixed Messages: Consumers Shop Amazon but Want to Support Small Businesses

New survey finds 4 in 10 consumers do most of their online shopping at the e-commerce giant A new survey finds that the vast majority...

Survey: Americans More Interested in Clean Homes, Good Health

Habits formed during the coronavirus pandemic may last long after Covid-19 is under control Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, many Americans are eating better and...

New BSC Survey: Good Night’s Sleep More Important Than Diet, Exercise

A new national survey of mattress buyers commissioned by the Better Sleep Council reveals that mattress buyers say a good night’s sleep is even...

What Do the Reviews Say?

Survey: Mattress shoppers may be relying less on online reviews than consumers of other big-ticket items Fewer than half of people looking for mattresses use...

Moody Much?

Sleeplessness can harm relationships and cause depression, anxiety and problems with attention. Here’s how rest can come to your emotional rescue Editor’s note: Savvy mattress...

2021: A Year of Reimagining

To find success during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, bedding retailers need a fresh start to spark business The word of 2020, according...

Let’s Resolve to Make 2021 Great for Retail!

Six resolutions to improve business operations and your professional life Few of us are going to be sorry to say goodbye to 2020. Good riddance....

Holiday Prep

The holiday shopping season is likely to look a little different this year — get ready “The only certainty is that nothing is certain.” —...

Old-Fashioned Values Are Central to Square Deal

This California-based, family-run company, which prides itself on its customized, quality mattresses, is not only surviving — it’s thriving Made-to-order, high-quality mattresses and customer-friendly services...

Time for a Change?

Standard time returns Nov. 1, and so does the debate about moving the clock twice a year One of the days of the year I...