From sustainability tips to retail displays to goal-setting, this issue is full of good ideas for 2023.

Every time the new year rolls around, I can’t help but think about ways to start fresh. What can I do differently this year to make a positive difference for myself and others?
This month, I have been inspired to think more deeply about ways I can better care for the environment. At the end of last year, the International Sleep Products Association held its first Sustainability Conference to discuss ways the mattress industry can make components and mattresses easier to recycle. It was exciting to see so many people in the same space with the same passion — to make the product we love better on all levels.
Retailers can ultimately benefit from the sustainable changes coming down the road. As Dave Perry wrote in his article on the Better Sleep Council’s latest research, many consumers are looking for more sustainable products. In fact, the BSC found 37% of shoppers would be willing to pay an additional 1% to 10% more for a mattress made using sustainable practices or materials. Another 22% would pay 11% to 20% more. That’s more than half of consumers surveyed. I find that encouraging.
In addition to carrying products that would appeal to those shoppers, there are a number of ways you can make a difference in your own space. Jennifer Bringle’s article on “How to Green Up Your Store” is chock full of tips and strategies to help you leave a lighter footprint. Some are things you might already be doing, such as conserving energy by turning off lights or using a smart thermostat. Other ideas might require a little more exploration, such using electric vehicles or purchasing carbon credits. In some cases, going greener can save you money over the long run, and many consumers appreciate doing business with retailers who align with their environmental values. It’s certainly something to think about.
In his column, Dave Perry brought us another idea to try in the new year — retail theater. He talked with Eugene Alletto, CEO of Bedgear, about ways a retailer can use striking displays to sell sleep accessories and increase the store’s bottom line. The wording on Bedgear’s showroom walls is fun and clever. How can you incorporate some of those ideas into your space?
Finally, if you like to use January as a time to set goals for the year, take a look at Julie A. Palm’s tip sheet on resolutions. She suggests three ways to help you make the most of 2023. Picking a word for the year is something I’ve done for a long time and find it to be a helpful practice. But I’m intrigued by her second recommendation to set a goal each month. I might have to give that a try. Do you like to set goals at the beginning of a new year?
Whatever you like to do to prepare for the new year, I wish you all the best.
Here’s to 2023!