Inside Track With Gerry Borreggine | The Importance of Mattress Size with Terry Cralle


Welcome to “Inside Track,” sponsored by Therapedic International. In this insightful discussion, Gerry Borreggine sits down with Terry Cralle, an RN, furniture store proprietor, and spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council.

Discover why mattress size is the key to a better night’s sleep, as Terry and Gerry delve into the latest research trends. Find out why more consumers are opting for larger mattresses and how it can significantly improve your sleep quality. Don’t miss this conversation on prioritizing sleep and selecting the perfect mattress size for your needs.


Gerry Borreggine
Hi, and welcome to Inside Track, sponsored by Therapedic International. I’m Gerry Borreggine and today, I’m here with Terri Cralle. And Terry, you are so unique in our industry because, number one, you’re an RN. You’re a furniture store proprietor. You’re the spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council. You’re the total package in dealing with the consumer.

Terry Cralle
Yes. I mean, it’s it’s a great advantage point. And I can see many things, and I think we can help many people get a better night’s sleep every night.

Gerry Borreggine
No doubt about that. And since you’re the Better Sleep Council spokesperson, let’s talk about the most recent research. The research shows it keeps tracking this way year after year as we benchmark it. The most important factor consumers look for when buying a new mattress is size. So the king is bumping up, bumping up, bumping up.
So, more kings are being sold today than ever before.

Terry Cralle

Gerry Borreggine
And part of that is due to good salesmanship and good sales direction, where salespeople on the floor are directing people to the larger sizes.

Terry Cralle
Yes. And I remind people that the mattress is the most important healthcare product in a person’s home. And when we start respecting that, our sleep, how much we’re getting, our quality of sleep, we look at the mattress through a different lens. It’s really the vehicle for sleep. It’s square one. If you want a healthy sleep lifestyle or just, say, a healthy lifestyle, you’ve got to put sleep first.


Gerry Borreggine
Talk to us about that.

Terry Cralle
Well, it’s really important. And I want people to feel, you know, comfortable getting comfortable and having a mattress that really allows for position changes. And so we have to look at the amount of room you have on the mattress. And we have found that many people sleep better on a larger sleep surface.

Gerry Borreggine
It increases your comfort, you have freedom of motion, and your partner or your pets do not restrict you. A lot of people sleep with pets.

Terry Cralle
We don’t want the pets in the bed if they interfere with our sleep. Now, if you sleep better with them, that’s okay. Fido won’t be upset if you make him sleep on the floor of the bedroom.

Gerry Borreggine
Fido is a cat; in my experience, they would be upset. And so we live not to upset our cats in this case. So we. You know, we sleep like contortionists around them just not to disrupt them. But the size of the bed is critical. If you’re in a queen bed and have a couple of pets and another sleeping partner, you’re out of space there.

So your recommendation and my recommendation is always to go as big as you can go. If there were a size bigger than a king, I would even buy that.

Terry Cralle
I would, too.

Gerry Borreggine
And I would always recommend it to everyone. Go, certainly go, at least to a queen. But if you can get everybody up to a king and the sales rate of the king is increasing every time we do the research, consumers are asking about size. And my suggestion and your suggestion seem to coincide. Great sales associates recommend the largest size the consumer can place in the bedroom.

Gerry Borreggine
It’s the best thing for you. The store is selling them the biggest size. It’s the best thing for them as the owner to sleep on. I’m Gerry Borrgeein.. I’m with Terry Cralle from Green Front Furniture Inside Track, sponsored by Therapedic International. Thanks for watching.