“Inside Track” With Gerry Borreggine Brought to you by Therapedic


We’ve seen good ads and bad ads. But do you know what makes good advertising? Gerry Borreggine gives you the Inside Track on the two most important things good advertising does, every time. Are you doing them?

— Transcript —

Gerry Borreggine
Welcome to the “Inside Track” sponsored by Therapedic International. On this episode, let’s talk about advertising. Advertising is the one part of your business that is really and truly subjective. There’s hardly ever a right or wrong and the only time you really know if it’s good advertising is when it works. That’s what good advertising is. People ask me a lot of times, hey should it be this color?

00:00:29:05 – 00:00:55:25
Should it be that, should it be this or whatever it should be? You know what it should be? It should make sales. If advertising is producing business, that’s what good advertising is. But here’s the trick to really good advertising. Make it consistent. That is the secret weapon in advertising. Consistency and too many of us drop away from that consistency because we become bored with our own message, our own image.

00:00:56:12 – 00:01:21:15
In Therapedic our message has been consistent for about seven years. That is Therapedic is the number one brand alternative. And we keep saying that over and over again. No matter what we do in electronic, print, everything we do. We’re the number one brand alternative. Seven years into it, it’s really starting to catch fire, starting to catch on. People are starting to message that when they come back to talk about us, they talk about this as that.

00:01:21:25 – 00:01:49:17
So, the consistency amplifies your message tenfold. How can you be consistent? You can be consistent not only in your message, in your placement and in your voice. How do you transmit it to your target audience and make sure this is another critical element of that advertising. Make sure when you write and compose the advertising, you compose it with the viewer in mind.

00:01:49:19 – 00:02:12:24
Who is your audience? Is it a shelter ad that we’re talking to broad people? Is it a specific retail ad that you’re talking directly to retailers? Put yourself in the reader’s or the listener’s place. When you write this copy or you develop this advertising and again, make it consistent. Do the same over and over again. Don’t worry about being boring, you’re not entertaining yourself.

00:02:13:04 – 00:02:24:18
We’re going for business. We’re trying to capture the heart of that consumer and the mind of that consumer. This is Inside Track sponsored by Therapedic International. I’m Gerry Borreggine. Thanks for watching.