Tips & Selling Strategies


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The Ultimate Guide to Sleeping With Pets

The pros and cons of sharing a bed with your furry friends. Editor's note: Feel free to share this information and any of our other...


Finishing Touches

Mattress protectors and sheets can boost sales while helping customers sleep more soundly. Follow...

7 Retail Trends to Watch

Consumer, tech and economic trends are shaping the world of mattress selling. Addressing them...

Getting Smart About Smartbeds

Adjustable, sensor-laden mattresses and bases can help improve the sleep and health of consumers. Smartphones....

Fill Those Online Shopping Carts to the Rim

Add-on sales make e-commerce more profitable Getting customers to click “Buy now” on your e-commerce site is great — and it’s even better if their...

Giving Thanks

6 ways to show your customers how much you value them Without customers, you have no business. It’s as simple as that. Given this fact,...

7 Stores That Foretell the Future of Retail

From stores that constantly reinvent themselves to retailers that use facial recognition software, these are bold companies The future of retail includes ice cream sprinkles...

Investing in a new way to pay

Consumers like the convenience and safety of using mobile wallets — and they have benefits for retailers, too After you’ve sold a customer on a...

The Selling Paradox

BY GERRY MORRIS Do you want to increase your mattress sales? Sales strategist Jill Konrath offers 7 seemingly contradictory ways to go about it Sometime back,...

Emails Elicit All the Feels

They can annoy recipients but also remain an effective marketing vehicle We know a lot of email goes unread, but a new survey shows marketing...

Just the FAQs

BY JULIE A. PALM What are the most effective ways to answer consumers’ common questions? Consider these 6 suggestions Consumers have so many questions: Do you...

Motivating Shoppers to Buy

BY GERRY MORRIS An interview with a Texas retailer reveals winning ways to overcome customer objections, close the deal and follow up “When we do things...

Finishing Touches

Mattress protectors and sheets can boost sales while helping customers sleep more soundly. Follow these suggestions to accentuate your lines. Just as a complete outfit...

Understanding sleep difficulties

BY DR. REBECCA ROBBINS While sleep disorders should be treated by a medical professional, this cheat sheet of common sleep problems can help you help...

The Future of Retail

BY JULIE A. PALM Sleep Savvy identifies trends shaping mattress retailing and offers strategies for staying ahead of dramatic changes on the horizon What will your...

Summer school for retailers

BY JULIE A. PALM Here’s a reading list for the beach, lake or wherever your vacation takes you As you pack for your summer vacation, be...

Four steps to selling a mattress

BY GERRY MORRIS It starts with building rapport and (gasp!) includes asking early about a shopper’s budget This is the second in a series of my...

No signature required

Because of more secure financial technologies, credit card companies no longer require consumers to sign on the dotted line Good news, retailers: Credit card signatures...

Merchandising makeover

BY JULIE A. PALM Looking for ways to freshen up your store? Consider these 30 creative ideas to refresh your sales floor I recently had to...

No complaints about this customer service

What a recent experience can teach retailers about keeping consumers happy “I’m happy to help. In fact, I get paid to help you! Seriously, that's...

‘A Mini Field Guide to the Mattress Shopper’

The BSC and Sleep Savvy team up to create a fun, interactive infographic to give retailers insight into their customers and help generate more...

Um, we need to, like, talk

BY JULIE A. PALM Annoying verbal tics can distract shoppers from your outstanding sales presentation So, today, we’d like to, um, discuss how you can, like,...

Get a hobby and up your sales game

Free-time activities can help you build professional skills—and you’ll have fun doing it Many of us think we don’t have time for a hobby, not...

Desperately seeking customer reviews

Experts in soliciting consumer testimonials say a key to earning praise is to ask early These days, mattress retailers crave rave online customer reviews and...

Hacked! How vulnerable is your store to cyberattacks?

BY JULIE A. PALM Sleep Savvy examines the risks retailers face and ways you can protect your business from online criminals Target. Ebay. Neiman Marcus. Home...